Representative John Larson didn’t hold back during the recent congressional hearing, calling out Elon Musk’s glaring absence and the broader Republican agenda to undermine Social Security. Larson’s frustration was palpable:
We’re an equal branch of the government. And you start off with a blather? And would you look at the empty seats here? Where is Elon Musk? I am sure he is a genius. And is a very credible person because of the wealth he has accumulated, but that does not put him above the law or the responsibility to come before this committee and Congress. If he is so great, if his plans and all the fraud and abuse that he found are so evident—why isn’t he here explaining it? You know why. ‘Cause he is out to privatize Social Security.
Bingo. Social Security is one of the best-run government programs in history. If Musk and his crew of Silicon Valley “bro coders” have really uncovered evidence of fraud or abuse, they should be standing before Congress, laying it all out. But they aren’t—because they’ve got nothing. Nada. Zero. This is exactly what the Republicans and Wall Street want: control over trillions of dollars in Social Security funds so they can siphon off the hard-earned money of American citizens.
Larson nailed it when he said the American people weren’t born yesterday. But MAGA voters? That’s another story. They voted these fools into office, and now we’re all paying the price. The GOP’s goal isn’t to “fix” Social Security—it’s to dismantle it, privatize it, and hand it over to the same billionaires who already have more wealth than they could spend in a hundred lifetimes.